We were only too happy to be present at our first ever ICFF 2016 fair in Miami, Florida. It was also the first time we had been caught in a hurricane causing the fair closed after the first day. Despite this, we had a great time mingling with guest and we now have a stories to tell of being caught in a category 4 hurricane (no one needs to know it was downgraded).
This is the first time that we have set up a show and pulled it down the next day. Little did we know when we arrived in Miami a few days early that Hurricane Matthew, a class 4 storm, was brewing down by Jamaica and coming our way !!
Everyone just kept hoping that it would go East, but it didn’t, and the show eventually closed leaving exhibitors powerless to do anything more that go home and shut themselves indoors.
Founder and head designer, Marivi Calvo, put together a much smaller display than usual to test the fair and lucky she did as we had to pack in a hurry !! All the latest LZF lighting fixtures where there, including our Swirl, Cervantes, Asterisco, Chou, New Wave and Piknik lamps.
And for the first time our piknik lamps were hurricane tested, helping us through the power black outs and for changing our phones.
Despite being cut short, we enjoyed our time and look forward to next years event.