Every day around the world a whole bunch of professionals offer, and seek to place our products into design jobs, be they offices, hospitals, libraries, hotels, bars, restaurants, banks, public buildings, schools and universities. The feeling of seeing one of these jobs makes us feel immensely proud, and through this series of publications, we would like to introduce you to the people behind the specs who actively and daily try to make other people’s surroundings a better place to work and live in.
NAME: Imu Chan
COMPANY: FSOARK Architect Inc, Vancouver BC, Canada.
POSITION: Principal of FSOARK, a Vancouver-based architectural and design firm comprised of thinkers and design activists. FSOARK is where ideas cross disciplinary boundaries, and projects and executed with a hands-on, collaborative approach.
REVIEW: “Quoting from Milan Kundera’s [The Unbearable Lightness of Being] – “Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost.” LZF has given light a tangible materiality, by marrying two living elements – light and wood – together, resulting in the unbearably lovable creation of exquisite light fixtures.”