In a previous post, we introduced David Rodriguez and Carlos Huecas of Cualiti, a Valencia-based photography studio that has worked with LZF. A part of the exceptionally creative team behind the award-winning ‘Telling Tales’ communication campaign, Rodriguez and Huecas recently conceived a new series of hyperreal images for LZF titled ‘Naturally Divine’. Choosing a hands-off approach, LZF’s Mariví Calvo and Sandro Tothill afforded Cualiti absolute creative freedom with this project. The result: a spiritual dimension of light and illumination.

‘Naturally Divine’ featuring Oh! Line designed by Mariví Calvo.
Naturally Divine” was realised in collaboration with Cristina Hernández and Carlos García, designers and art directors. Cualiti, Hernández, and García staged an entirely theatrical production, creating an illusion of another world. The project’s editorial slant sought to address a time in which our senses are overloaded with stimuli, in effect rendering them numb. In a post-Covid reality, there is arguably a heightened sense of self and emotion. Rodriguez and Huecas suggest that ‘instinct and intuition are beginning to regain an important role in our lives.’ As a concept, this project aimed to grapple with these ideas.

‘Naturally Divine’ featuring Lens Circular Wall and Lens Oval Floor by MUT Design Studio.
‘Naturally Divine’ is described as arising from ‘the desire to represent the divine and supernatural from a contemporary perspective.’ For Rodriguez and Huecas, through each image they are seeking to awaken a fascination for the spiritual. When imagining the sequence of scenes, they were keen to place LZF’s lamps in the role of the protagonist, rather than simply as decoration. ‘Naturally Divine’ features a stellar cast of luminaires: Oh! Line, Lens Circular Wall, Lens Oval Floor, Dune Vertical, Estela Vertical (Large, Medium, Small), and Eris Suspension. Placed in various contexts, the lamps are almost symbolic of the transcendental importance of the inner self.

‘Naturally Divine’ featuring Dune Vertical and Estela Vertical designed by Mayice.
The backdrop for ‘Naturally Divine’ is wonderfully surreal and hallucinatory, filled with symbolism, light, and emotion. Vivid elements of nature, texture, and colour frame the lamps and models. Cualiti’s images depict both a magical luminescence and shadowy darkness, inspiring a sense of intrigue in the viewer. Their disruptively modern style showcases the essence of LZF’s exquisitely crafted lamps.

‘Naturally Divine’ featuring Eris Suspension designed by Mayice.
Photography by Cualiti Photo Studio.
Photography: Cualiti Photo Studio (
Postproduction: Cualiti Photo Studio (
Art direction: Cristina Hernández, Carlos García and Cualiti Photo Studio (
Production: Cualiti Photo Studio (, Cristina Hernández and Carlos García.
Styling: Cristina Hernández and Carlos García.
Assist. Styling: Lis Domínguez
Make-up and hairdresser: Olga López.
– Alineo Studio
– Zhuo Ye
– Clara Gil Gual
– Rocío Jewels
– Blanca López
– Genesis Morera
– Aron Nuncira
– Marta Benito
– Laura Benito
Making of: Eduardo De La Barrera
Lamps: LZF Lamps (
Thanks to:
– Absoluta Flora
– Formica
– Lis Dominguez
– Lucia Zhuo Ye